Image – About Photography In Iceland

“Image” is a 6-part docuseries for RUV, exploring the evolution of photography in Iceland over nearly two centuries. It delves into the historical and contemporary significance of photography, showcasing its expanding role in society. From its unique beginnings to now being a daily practice for many, photography plays a vital role in shaping the nation’s identity. Furthermore, it looks at how different fields such as police and hospitals use photography to enhance and investigate cases. The series traces the history of Icelandic photography and examines how the public’s relationship with it has evolved. Each episode features working Icelandic photographers such as Báru Kristinsdóttur, Katrínu Elvarsdóttur, Ívar Brynjólfsson, Ragnar Axelsson, Páll Stefánsson, Pétur Thomsen, Ben Hardman, Eydísi Maríu Ólafsdóttur, Valdísi Óskarsdóttur, Sigurgeir Sigurjónsson, Sissu Ólafsdóttur, and more exploring their reflections of contemporaneous society. Specific topics include comparing old perspectives with historical photographs in the landscape section.






Hrafnhildur Gunnarsdóttir